Overview of The Teenage Brain

Important Note: Dr. Jensen partners with many associations, groups, and media organizations to discuss her work. While the following links will cover her videos, podcasts, interviews, and other articles, Dr. Jensen is not responsible for page or video content unrelated to her work.


The Workings of the Adolescent Mind
BrainFacts.org, September, 2016

Frances on the Morning Joe

"Perspectives on The Teenage Brain"
Conversation with "The Morning Joe" Team and Mike Barnicle, May 2015

Dr. Jensen at Politics and Prose

Dr. Frances Jensen, "The Teenage Brain"
Politics and Prose, January 21, 2015 

The Teenage Brain
The Health Bridge, May, 2016


Q & A with Dr. Frances Jensen
C-Span, January 23, 2015


Brain Connectivity


"The Power of the Adolescent Brain"
HHS Adolescent Heath: Think, Act, Grow (TAG), A TAG talk, 2017


Teenage Behavior Caused by Developing Brain
Click2Houston, Aaron Wische, June 25, 2015


"Why Teenagers Behave Like Teenagers"
WHYY, Philadelphia: NPR Fresh Air, with Terry Gross

"The Promise and Perils of the Teenage Brain"    
Writer's Voice,  hosted by Francesca Rheanon, June, 2015

"Inside the Teenage Brain"      
Mr. Dad,  hosted by Armin Brott

“Teenagers Most Susceptible to Concussions, Expert Says”
West Virginia Public Broadcasting, Keith Willis, July 5, 2015

Using Brain Science to Understand the Terrible Teens
The Diane Rehm Show, September 9, 2015

The Teenage Brain: Uniquely Powerful and Vulnerable Enigmas”
CBC Radio, 7/27/15

“The Teenage Brain”
Harper Audio, Frances Jensen, 2015

“The Teenage Brain - Frances Jensen”
Radio New Zealand, Jesse Mulligan, February 24, 2015

“The Parents Manual to the Teenage Brain”
WNYC, Leonard Lopate Show, date unknown

“Trauma in Developing Brains”
Voice of America, Kathryn Zox Show, 6/17/15

"Neuroscientist Explores the Contradictions of the Teen Brain" 
KQED with host Michael Krasny, May 15, 2017

"Learning Machines: The Wired Teenage Brain" 
To the Best of Our Knowledge, Shannon Henry Kleiber


"Why Boys Will Be Boys Is an Unscientific Excuse for Assault"
PBS Newshour, Nsikan Akpan, September 20, 2018

"The Teen Brain"
Harvard Magazine, Debra Bradley Ruder, September-October, 2008

"Why Teenagers Are Impulsive, Addiction-Prone and Should Protect Their Brains"
NPR Fresh Air, article that accompanied the Terry Gross podcast above; released January 28, 2015

The Terrible Teens : What’s Wrong with Them?
The New Yorker, Elizabeth Kolbert, 8/31/15

"Secrets of the Teenage Brain"
The Guardian, The Observer, Family section, Katie Forster, January 25, 2015

"No Such Thing as TMI"
Chicago Health Online,  Marco Buscaglia, April 29, 2015  

"The Perfect Storm: Twitter, Marijuana and the Teen Brain"            
Psychology Today, Susan Newman, Ph.D, April 29, 2015  

“Understanding Your Alien Adolescent”           
San Diego Tribune, April 2, 2015

Plastic Fantastic”           
Pennsylvania Gazette, Joann Greco, August 27, 2015

"Why Is the Teen Brain So Unpredictable? A Neurobiologist Explains”
PBS News Hour, Julia Scott, KQED, 5/24/17

"Surviving the Teenage Brain: What Educators Should Know"
NEA Today, Mary Ellen Flannery, August 6, 2015

"Why Teenagers Say I Hate You"
Daily Mail,  Helen Carroll, March 16, 2015

"Teenagers' Brains Make Them More Prone to Addiction"            
Philly Voice, John Kopp, September 10, 2018

"Brain Science: Should Schools Teach Boys and Girls Different Subjects?"
The Washington Post,  Lyndsey Layton, April 22, 2015

"Mysterious Workings of the Teen Mind"
Smith College, Alumnae Relations, Ali Benjamin, date unknown

"Teen Girls Have Different Brains: Gender, Neuroscience and the Truth about Adolescence"
Salon: Frances Jensen, Amy Ellis Nutt, excerpted from The Teenage Brain, January 3, 2015  

"Understanding the Teen Brain Key for Better Parenting"
Voice of America,  Faiza Elmasry, January 30, 2015  

"Here's All The Scary (Yet Awesome) Changes Happening In Teenagers' Brains"
MTV News, Marty Beckerman,  January 8, 2015  

 "Can Electronic Media Impact Your Teenager's Brain?"
Beyond Book Smart, Annebel Furber, April 24, 2015

"What Independent Schools Can Learn From The Teenage Brain"    
Boarding School Blog,  Brian Fisher, February 27, 2015  

"The Teenage Brain: Scaffolding the Brain for Lifelong Learning"    
Getting Smart,  Frances Jensen, May 3, 2015

"Are Your Teenagers Subject to Mood Swings? It’s Not Their Fault!"    
Good Housekeeping, Helena Beer, March 16, 2015

"The Teenage Brain: Neuro Connections Series: Q & A with Dr. Frances Jensen"    
ExpandED, Erika Samuel, May 12, 2015

"Inside Your Teenager’s Scary Brain"    
Maclean’s, Tamsin McMahon, January 4, 2015

"There’s a Reason Teenagers Act the Way They Do"    
Tampa Bay Times, Irene Maher, May 14, 2015

"Why Are Teens So Moody And Impulsive? This Neuroscientist Has The Answer"    
Huff Post, Carolyn Gregoire, December 7, 2017

"The Teen Brain: A Work in Progress”    
Miami Herald, Ana Veciana Suarez, 8/17/15

"The Teenage Brain: What Parents Need to Know"          
Grown & Flown, interview with Frances Jensen, date unknown

"Understanding the Teen Brain for Better Parenting"  
Voice of America, Faiza Elmasry, January 30, 2015  

"The Developing Teenage Brain" 
School Administrator, Liz Griffin, September, 2017

"The Teenage Brain You’re Sending to College" 
The Philadelphia Inquirer, Frances Jensen, April 29, 2015

"Protect Your Brain for Life: Follow these Expert Strategies" 
Brain and Life Magazine, Marisa Cohen, February/March, 2017

"How Brain Science Is Changing How Long Teens Spend in Prison" 
PBS Frontline, Anjali Tsui, May 2,2017

"The Philadelphia Inquirer: What Brain Science Could Reveal about Penn State’s Fraternity Tragedy" 
The Philadelphia Inquirer, Rita Giordano, May 12, 2017

"Decoding the Mysteries of a Child’s Developing Brain" 
The Washington Post, Jennifer Gallegos, September 1, 2017

"10 Women Changing the Way We See the World" (see #2)
Good Housekeeping, Melissa Walker, May 19, 2017

"Why Teenage Brains Are So Hard to Understand"
Time Magazine - The Science of Childhood, Alexandra Sifferlin, September 8, 2017

"Review of The Teenage Brain" 
IMFC Canada, Taylor Gaidos , February 25, 2015

"4 Things Seriously Messing with Your Teen's Brain Development" 
Woman’s Day, Marty Munson, March 26, 2018

"Living Lab Radio: Summer Break For the Teen Brain" 
WCAI Cape Cod, Elsa Parton and Heather Goldstone, May 14, 20

"Why Your Teen Doesn’t Want to Talk to You - and What to Do About It" 
NBC, Vivian Manning-Schaffel, October 3, 2018